Recently transplanted from the Pacific Northwest and into the backwoods wilds of suburban New Jersey, Mickey presses dozens of plastic buttons thousands of times each day for fun and profit.
Mickey's present obsession is Ghostwolf. Check out what has been revealed thus far.
Note that content on this site ranges somewhere between PG-13 and R. Sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll will be present. Also, swearing. And not very much drugs, actually. Or rock'n'roll. Pretty much just sex and swearing. Maybe some drinking. And the occassional ramble.
From Mickey: "I do have an employer, but they have the right to disavow me, and nothing I say can be used against them."
For shorter quips, bereft of depth, gravity and prose, take a gander at @MickeyMullin on Twitter Twitter, and his official Facebook page.
About this site
Static site generator: DocPad.
(Current) site design: Casper; DocPad port by Benjamin Lupton.
Respective licenses at above links.
All original content Copyright Mickey Mullin © 2015-6, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.